What is it that motivates people?
We have been taught that the main motivators of human behavior are pain and pleasure, we move away from pain and towards pleasure. However, Neuroscientist Matthew Lieberman’s thinks people are even more motivated by something beyond self-interest: the drive for social connection.
Dr Lieberman established that the need to connect socially is as basic as the need for food, water and shelter. He tells that we need social connection more than anything to survive.
Based on neuroscience and his research Dr. Lieberman says: “the secret to becoming smarter, happier and more productive is getting more social”.
And we totally agree, when you engage socially its easier to succeed. Kalin Kassabov, founder and CEO of ProTexting.com, says that “one of the best ways to grow your business is to create or join a larger community.
Being part of a community can definitely help you in many ways. You can:
* Gain knowledge and experience in areas such as finance, creating, and digital marketing. There is so much that goes into running a succesful small business, so you need to quickly learn about several subjects. When you are in a community, this process can go faster , because is easier to ask a member and you can get answers faster.
* Collaborate. In a community there is a diverse group of people and businesses, you can partner up with a business that shares a similar target audience to yours so that you can grow and win together.
For Example Ikebana.nl is partnering with Minca wood to showcase their products together and promote each other through social media; Sandalo Atelier and Grandeza Aroma participate together at a fair market.
*Get Support. You can get financial or business advice but you can also get emotional support and motivation when you are part of a community. Its important to be surrounded by positive vibes and supportive peers.
We all may inherently know this, but how many of us are actually working on strategies to create or join a community in order to grow our business?
Let's get together, because as we always say, we are definitely stronger together!