Blog Post

6 Tips to increase your profit at the Markets

International Creative Women • 13 March 2019

How exciting is to participate in a market! As soon as you are accepted you need to start preparing.

For creative entrepreneurs, selling at fairs and markets provides an opportunity to find new customers, sell your brand and of course put some euros in your wallet at a small cost. The cost of a stall is actually not as much as you might think because you don’t have to share the profit with store owners or retailers.

However, making money at markets isn't as easy as it sounds, you need to prepare, research, plan, stand on your feet for hours and smile!!

Here are some tips to make the fairs a more profitable experience.

1. Choose the market and/or craft fair wisely.

Choosing the right event is the first step towards good sales. You can have amazing products, a beautiful display and good storytelling skills but if the market doesn't attract the customer persona you are after then the event isn't for you. It still can be great for another vendor though!

Live music and bar? It may sound great and create a fun atmosphere but it makes it hard to interact with shoppers because most of them are distracted by the entertainment and drinks.

2. Research, do the homework.

Invest some time here; check out the fair, the theme of the event and of course what kind of visitors are expected. You also need to find out details about parking, electricity, internet, etc. It is also important to check the weather for the day of the market so that you can adjust your stall depending of the different weather conditions. ​

3. Choose what to bring.

By this point you have done your research, now it's time to choose your products. Don’t take everything that you make to the market, choose your products according to the type of event you are attending, this way you will increase your sale rates. You always need to meet the needs of your customers.

4. Make a check list.

You don’t want to forget anything so prepare your things 1 or 2 days before the event. You can download our free checking list for markets to help you prepare for the big day. You may also want to consider bringing a card reader to accept card payments.

5. Your Stall.

Consider the overall vibe and the style that your ideal customer is attracted to and use this information create your display.

Take time to plan and set up your display, don't just put all your products flat on a table. When creating a display, emphasize your best-sellers and highest-priced items over your less-popular items and lowest-priced pieces. Your best – sellers must be at eye level, put items that people need to examine at a location that they can reach.

Fun Fact: people react emotionally to color, so pick colors that go with your brand and style. Take into account the contrast. If your products are bright, choose a neutral background or vice versa.

6. Engage First; Then Sell & Always Smile!

Welcome everyone who steps up to your stall. This ensures potential shoppers know that you're available in case they have any questions. It’s very important to ask your visitors questions, talk about your process, and generally be open without being pushy.

Take care of your body language; Keep you chin lifted, uncross your arms and smile genuinely, don't fake a smile, people will notice.

Extra tip

After going to a market you start to see an increase in your online followers, however, this can only be achieved if you interact and connect with the shoppers. You may not sell anything or not so much at the market on that day but you probably will later on because of your previous interactions which means that people already know your brand and the products you sell. This is why it is so important to sell your brand at markets and remember to hand out business cards so they can easily find your products online.

Enjoy the atmosphere and happy selling.

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