Dora Popella

Dora Popella

Dóra Popella is an awarded Hungarian artist, illustrator and founder and designer at Black Monty Studio, currently based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Her artworks reflect common issues, and tell stories about her every-day’s life moments and good and bad feelings, sometimes in an ironic way. She works mostly in black and white with ink and markers on structured paper. She also created Riso and screen prints based on her drawings. 

Dora Popella's previous works

Dora Popella has a Bachelor's degree in Media Design from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, a Master's degree in Media Design and a Master's degree in Art and Design Teaching from the same institution. Her artistic works have been exhibited in various galleries and exhibitions across Europe and have been recognized through multiple awards 

For this exhibition, Dora Popella will present Invisible Work Diary.

Invisible Work Diary

work that nobody asks for

anyone does not pay off

and no one thanks

What is the invisible work?
This term describes the household and other chores people often do not recognize. Examples: dishwashing, laundry, childcare, organizing and schedules, grocery shopping, cooking,  but also keep touch with friends and family, planning vacations, and maintaining intimacy in your romantic relationship that can often be invisible as well.

Countless research studies have shown that in heterosexual couples, the majority of the invisible labor is done by women, even when there is an intention of equality.

Invisible labor is often only noticed when it’s not done!

Women spend six more hours than men every week on household tasks(Statistics Sweden 2020 Women and men in Sweden 2020 Facts and figures).If one person in the relationship is doing the majority of the invisible labor, it tends to negatively impact their mental health.

Invisible Work Diary – Dóra Popella

Washable marker drawing directly and spontaneously to this piece of glass. It is illustrate my invisible works. 

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