Mobile Photography Workshop


For Small Entrepreneurs

practical workshop

Are you a small entrepreneur? Have you recently started selling your product at online shop or thinking about it? Whatever stage you are at, you are going to need pictures of your products.

A picture speaks thousand words. Photos of your products tell a lot without saying a word. 

Having good photos is important for your business. In fact, it’s so important it might be the difference between making a sale and losing a lot of customers.

Let’s beat your competitors with good pictures of your products, taken by you with your smartphone. 

November 21 - 2020

13:00 - 15:00

29.95 Euros

by Snehal More  -  More Dimensions Photography & Design

Learn to take good product photos with your smartphone

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Sell more

“ 93% of shoppers use visual appearance as a key deciding factor when buying something online,” Bargain Fox - Just uno

"In Etsy’s buyer surveys, 90 percent of shoppers said the quality of the photos were “extremely important” or “very important” to a purchase decision." Etsy

During this workshop you will learn:

How camera works
Theory of photography
Lighting for photography
Different types of product photos
How to build sets with the things you have at  home.
How to choose the right props for your brand

You can bring 2 products to practice and of course, don't forget to bring your phone!

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