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Let's get together

Let's Spring together - Online Market


Well - being Weeks

Since the isolation measurements taken to control the pandemia, we started to think what we were going to do. All our events had to be cancelled, no more workshops or meetings. 

The creative women in the community were sharing their fears and worries so we decided it was time to act. Many women were ready to step up to help others who were also full of fear and uncertainties. 

20 women got together to create this program full of online workshops and meetings to help you to deal with the difficulties of the COVID-19 crisis, to share some positivism and to stay connected.
We planned 2 weeks, but people were engaged, so we quickly extended to 4 weeks, and now after the announcements from the Prime Minister Mark Rutte on April 21st, we decided to have one week more. We will have a 5th week from May 11th til May 16th. 
Now we are preparing an online market to support local entrepreneurs, during 3 days, you can buy products and services from local entrepreneur women.
The program is created by women but is open for men and women, some workshops are also great for children. Check the details and subscribe now for free. 
 Week 4
Date Time Meeting Host
Saturday 18th 18:00 Fashion, Style and Sustainability Carla Xavier
Monday 20th 20:00 Evening face ritual Lisa Ballarin
Tuesday 21st 16:30 Healthy Dinner with Gabi Gabi Ruijten-Dodoiu
Tuesday 21st 20:00 Goals & Desires: Clarity & Power to Act Nilufar Cloud
Wednesday 22nd 11:30 Korean Lunch with Sarah Sarah Kim
Wednesday 22nd 20:00 BREATH matters Kim Henst
Thursday 23rd 11:30 Green in glass Sandra light
Thursday 23rd 20:00 Art Therapy. Productivity during quarantine Natalya Chojnacki
Friday 24th 21:00 Let's have fun - International Borrel ICW
 Week 5
Date Time Meeting Host
May 11th 20:00 Info coming soon
May 12th 20:00 Info coming soon
May 13th 20:00 Info coming soon
May 14th 20:00 Info coming soon
May 15th 20:00 Info coming soon
May 16th 20:00 Info coming soon
You can subscribe for free!!. You will get an email with all the zoom links, you can join as many as you want.

Henriett Brezinski has created her own brand HenriEntti which is about art without barriers, appearing in various forms of existence, hence it represents paintings, objects, handmade clothes and jewelry, all the forms of physical expression that I am able to embrace.
JoyDance with HenriEntti
Friday, April 17th.  20:00 - 20:50
We are all experiencing strange times, sometimes we feel low, anxious or stressed.  
Henriett has prepared a workshop to help you to  balance your body, mind, heart and soul in a fun way!  She selects specific music to cheer up your heart and also make your energies flow in a dynamic, yet harmonic manner.
During her JoyDance class,  She will tell you what to concentrate on while dancing, basically leading you through the whole dance. 
This is a perfect way to balance your chakras, as you can freshen up physically while at the same time you can connect to your whole body and soul, both on physical and on spiritual level. 
Join us on this dance, which harmonizes your mind, body & soul while having fun!
Please prepare a piece of paper and some pencils,  chalk pastel or paint. There will be a 5 minute creative exercise at the end. 

Fashion, style and sustainability
Saturday, April 18th 18:00-19:00A creative mind that loves fashion and our planet earth. How to combine both if the fashion industry is one of the most damaging industry to the environment?With this workshop, I want to share my thoughts about style, fashion, trends and sustainability. And also how I find a way for myself to be part of the fashion revolution that is happening already.What is thrifting? Is buying second hand safe? These are questions that I want to answer according to my experience and research.  Join Carla for a fun fashionable talk where I share in the end some easy outfits with style! Carla Xavier loves thrifting and fashion. She believes in sustainable fashion, she does her share by not buying from the main stream stores, She transforms used clothes into cool unique pieces. Her Instagram feed is so interesting. 

Evening Face Ritual
Monday, April 20th - 20:00 -21:00
Isolation and quarantine have keep us indoors, and it can be tempting to get a little lazy with your skin care routine. But there are also factors that can affect our skin during these times, like stress, artificial light, home cleaning and less oxygenation. 
It's important then to take care of our skin. Cleaning the face in the evening is everyone's ritual. During this session Lisa will talk about the evening face ritual, cosmetic products, why use or not use some of those, how to use them and She will also teach us a relaxing face massage.
Lisa Ballarin is an Italian beautician. She moved to The Netherlands 5 years ago and start her beauty salon 3 years ago.  She likes to use natural ingredients for the beauty treatments at her salon.  She has two bunnies and a dog.

Healthy Dinner with Gabi.
Tuesday, April 21st  16:30-18:00Let's cook a healthy dinner together.  We will also have time to chat  about well-being, what is healthy eating, and what can we do to eat healthy in this period to enhance our immune system, have energy and feel good.During this workshop  we are going to prepare 3 dishes: * Sweet potato moussaka * A side salad, and a* Healthy snackIf you want to cook at the same time, here are the ingredients
Gabi will use. Gabi's beliefs that food can be healthy but also memorable, motivated her to start Food experiences by Gabi. She is also very enthusiastic about sharing her knowledge, so keep your eyes open for her workshops on vegetarian & vegan cooking!    

My name Nilufar Bulut, I have been living in Eindhoven for over ten years now. Having made a rather long academic journey, in the course of the last several years I have worked in several roles and have come to understood many interesting things about myself, what I really want and where my strengths lie. Apart from the positives and learning, this professional ‘soul-searching’ for me also (inevitably) entailed a lot of uncertainty, needing to get out of my comfort zone, as well as the necessity to adapt and to grow.  

In the midst of all the professional pursuits, attempts to find that wonderful place for myself which really gets me, allows me to grow and to be truly fulfilled in my career ambitions, I felt compelled to attend not only to making things happen on the outside (pumping up my CV, networking and applying to more jobs), but also to the inner perception of myself while I am doing all of this. Very soon I came to very important insights and inner realization that any significant shifts and changes in my life can only be accomplished through significant shifts and changes in my own mind.
Goals &  Desires: Clarity &  Power to Act
Tuesday, April 21st  20:00 - 21:20
* Do you know what you want from your life in 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years, 15 or 25 years from now?
* If I ask you to list all your desires, will you be able to fill three A4 format pages in less than 30 minutes?
* Beyond WHAT you want, are you aware of what needs and desires lie at the root of your goals and dreams? Do you know WHY you want what you want?
* Would you like to have the ULTIMATE SUCCESS modeling tool, which will take you to the next level?

Throughout my life-long research on the topic of self empowerment and personal development, I have come to realization that knowing our goals and desires is the very first crucial step in getting there! In this session, I will give you practical insights and tools that will enable you to uncover your
REAL goals and dreams.

Very often, we concentrate so much on WHAT we want to have and achieve, while we fail to stop, and to question WHY is it so important for us. Or what does it mean for us to succeed or to fail with regard to our specific goals (which is crucial for our true fulfillment).  

Beyond merely attaining clarity on your desires, you will be empowered by a deeper understanding of the main ingredients in your consciousness that will enable you to ACT and FULFILL your goals.

In this session I invite you to look within and get back on track with a deeper awareness of yourself,  your true innermost desires, and renewed confidence to ACT!

Korean Lunch with Sarah Kim
Wednesday April 22nd. 11:30 - 13:00
Korean dishes are well balanced and healthy, Sarah is always looking for dishes that combines health, sustainability and beauty.
For this workshop Sarah will introduce Kimbap (sometimes spelled gimbap) which is a dish made with steamed white rice and dried seaweed.
You can download the list of ingredients here. Sarah Kim is from South Korea. She has  been introducing Korean dishes and the wonderful Sarah's Kimchi to the people in The Netherlands.
You can find Sarah and her dishes on Facebook. 

Wednesday, April 22nd. 20:00 - 21:20COVID-19 has entered our daily lives and routines. Our lungs are under attack. Anxiety is the primal response to threats. The workshop BREATH♥ matters will provide you with breathing & stress-release techniques and reflexology based information and tips. You will learn how to release physical and mental tension. There will also be attention for ‘high-sensitivity & stress’ related insights.Kim Henst is a certified reflexology therapist in Eindhoven. She is specialized in treating physical, emotional and mental problems due to high-sensitivity and recovering from stressful situations. In her treatments she integrates tools to increase self- awareness of body & mind. She is affiliated with a professional organisation, which allows her individual sessions to be covered by your health insurance.

Sandra Luz's passion is flowers. She is dedicated to interior styling and events. After leaving her life in Mexico, she turn her hobby into a business: SandraLuz.   Sandra can transform spaces in a a very creative way, she likes to create flower arrangements and decorate events.  
Green in glass
Thursday, April 23rd. 11:30 - 12:30
This is a great activity to do at home, we can make our house greener and that always lift the spirits. This workshop is perfect for the whole family. 
So, Let’s talk about green trends. “Green in glass”, is one Sandra's favorites.  The transparent glass brings out the structure of the leaves and roots even better. The nice thing is that you can go in all directions with glass and therefore, it can be endlessly combined with beautiful houseplants.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t have green fingers.
Sandra will teach us to make a beautiful green in glass piece with  simple materials:
A houseplant. Plants with additional decorative roots are the       Chlorophytum, Juncus and Asparagus. A clean transparent vase of jar, depending of the size of your        plant. Marbles, gravel, or decorative stones.Food Coloring  (optional)Water

Art Therapy - Being productive during quarantine.
Thursday, April 23rd.  20:00 - 21:20If you feel that is harder to keep your discipline and productivity on a good level then this workshop is for you! During this session you will not only set up a goal using Metaphoric Associative Cards, but also find out better ways how to achieve it. Please prepare a piece of paper, your favorite drink and coloring materials for your art therapy creation.  Art therapy exercise we will do is also good for kids, feel free to do it after with them or join together!Natalya Chojnacki is an expat Art therapist living in Eindhoven. She uses art therapy as a therapeutic technique rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being. Her mission is to help explore emotions and deal with anxiety and fears. So people can lighten up their inner power and cope with life changes.⠀

Online International Borrel
by HOWDO and ICW
Friday, April 24th. 21:00 - 22:00

Let's have fun!!

For the Online Borrel, its important to... Bring a drink or 2 and some snacks. We will make a toast and have fun!Have two devices, one for the zoom and your phone to play kahoot ( Kahoot! on your phone.Bring your best mood and a funny outfit (hat, glasses, etc) As soon as the zoom starts we share the kahoot quiz number. The quiz will start at 21:10You can play the quiz with your family, partner, friend etc. We will give a prize to the person with the best outfit and one prize to the winner of the Kahoot quiz
 Past meetings
 Week 1
Date Time Meeting Host
Tuesday 31st March 19:00 How to deal with negative emotions Dorangela Giraldo
Wednesday 1st April 11:30 Healthy Lunch with Gabi Gabi Ruijten-Dodoiu
Friday 3rd April 16:30 Ikebana -Japanese Flower Arrangement Mari Osses
Friday 3rd April 19:00 COVID-19 and worries Laura Short
Sunday 5th April 16:00 Move your body - Zumba session Andrea Pardo
 Week 2
Date Time Meeting Host
Monday 6th April 20:00 Meditation, Reflexology Kim Henst
Tuesday 7th April 19:00 Art therapy, create your own energy mandala Natalya Chojnacki
Wednesday 8th April 11:30 Healthy Lunch with Gabi Gabi Ruijten-Dodoiu
Wednesday 8th April 19:00 Talking to kids about COVID-19 Beatriz G of the Sen.
Thursday 9th April 10:00 Coffee and Ideas ICW
Thursday 9th April 19:00 Movie Forum Dorangela Giraldo
Friday 10th April 19:00 Identity. Who do you want to be now and after Laura Short
 Week 3
Date Time Meeting Host
Saturday 11th 11:00 Easter flower decorations Sandra light
Saturday 11th 16:00 Zumba Session Andrea Pardo
Monday 13th 20:00 Kundalini Yoga Kine Berg
Tuesday 14th 15:30 Watercolor painting with natural paints Andrea Caracola
Wednesday 15th 11:30 Korean Lunch with Sarah Sarah Kim
Wednesday 15th 20:00 Acceptance and Commitment therapy to cope with COVID-19 Birgit Veskioja-Merry
Thursday 16th 20:00 Inner Shift 2020 Nilufar Cloud
Friday 17th 10:00 Coffee and Ideas for Entrepreneurs ICW
Friday 17th 20:00 JoyDance Henriett Brezinski
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