A Tale of Used Less Paper


Chitra Sunnapu

A humble piece of paper has endless possibilities, and each kind has it’s own personality. This paper cake design is curated using mathematics and design principles. Crafted with handmade and discarded papers, with a goal to make statement about useless things are used less things and is not waste.

Paper is a medium used everywhere and everyday, in every industry, schools, universities, offices. Which is a good thing and also a bad thing. Good because paper decomposes easily, at the same time bad because pulp and paper is the third-largest air, water, and land polluter among all industries, pulp and paper industry releases over 100 million kilograms of toxic pollution every year.

With this multiple layer cake design the goal is to broaden awareness about using paper wisely. The aim is to show that a causal paper laying around which probably could be ignored and discarded as waste, but if used with awareness can be used to make a piece of valued artwork.This paper cake inspired by nature has been crafted using numbers from fibonacci series as dimensions and decorated using handmade paper flowers which is arranged to decorate the cake abiding by golden ratio which is also known as divine proportion, in mathematics.  Art and mathematics combined.

Chitra is a Software engineer and creative entrepreneur.  She believes when art and engineering come together, it unveil an unexplored territory. I love experimenting with different kinds of paper, creative folds and crafting out an artwork from a piece of paper

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